Eddy Group 2016 AD Field Marketing Summit
Finally a year when the weatherman decided to cooperate with the annual Eddy Group Limited Sales Summit which allowed fifty-three eager attendees to participate in this great event to kick off the 2016 fiscal year. In attendance were Head Office Personnel, Branch Managers, Branch Sales Representatives, Division Managers, Manufacturers' Representatives, and Vendor Agents who had the opportunity to create and/ or expand on ever-important business relationships. The three-day event included a Mini Trade Show, Social Networking Event, Business Planning Meetings, Eddy Group Awards Dinner, Eddy Group Divisional Meetings and a Guest Speaker. Although this event pulls us away from our daily business routines, everyone leaves with new product knowledge and most importantly, positive energy going into 2016.
Krystyna Fecteau
CIO, Eddy Group Limited
Tel: (506) 546-7280